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2003 - Babbo Bastardo - Terry Zwigoff
2006 - Babel - Alejandro González Iñárritu

1994 - Baby Birba, un giorno in liberta' - Patrick Read Johnson
1988 - Baby Boom - Charles Shyer,
2008 - Baby Mama - Michael Maccullers
2008 - Babylon A.D. - Mathieu Kassovitz
1995 - Bad Boys - Michael Bay
2003 - Bad Boys II - Michael Bay
2002 - Bad Company - Protocollo Praga - Joel Schumacher
1999 - Bagnomaria - Giorgio Panariello
1990 - Balla coi lupi - Kevin Costner
1987 - Balle spaziali - Mel Brooks
2007 - Ballet Shoes - Sandra Goldbacher
2007 - Balls of fury- Robert Ben Garant
1985 - Bambole E Botte - Samo Hung
1992 - Baraka - John Fricke
1992 - Basic instinct - Paul Verhoeven
2008 - Be kind rewind - Michel Gondry
1991 - Belli e dannati - Gus Van Sant
1977 - Berlinguer ti voglio bene - Giuseppe Bertolucci
1981 - Bianco, rosso e verdone - Carlo Verdone
2000 - Billy Elliott - Stephen Daldry
1984 - Birdy- Le ali della libertà - Alan Parker
1997 - Blackout - Abel Ferrara
1982 - Blade Runner - Ridley Scott
2002 - Bloody Sunday - Paul Greengrass
2001 - Blow - Ted Demme
1997 - Boogie nights - Paul Thomas Anderson (1° parte)
1997 - Boogie nights - Paul Thomas Anderson (2° parte)
2006 - Borat - Larry Charles
1995 - Braveheart - Mel Gibson (1° parte)
1995 - Braveheart - Mel Gibson (2° parte)
1985 - Brazil - Terry Gilliam
1979 - Brian di Nazareth - Terry Jones
2000 - Bread and roses - Ken Loach
1993 - Bronx - Robert De Niro
1979 - Brood - David Cronenberg
2000 - Brother - Takeshi Kitano

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